Nils Asther-搜索结果

  • 野兰花 Wild Orchids

    类型:剧情片电影, 爱情片电影

    导演:西德尼·富兰克林   编剧:约翰·考顿, 汉斯·克雷利

    主演:葛丽泰·嘉宝, Lewis Stone, Nils Asther

      Lillie Sterling comes with her husband, John, on a business trip to Java, expecting a second honeymoon. On the ship, she witnesses Javanese Prince De Gace mercilessly whipping a servant and shrinks in horror from the sight. When John is befriended by the Prince, who is very attracted to Lillie, she tries to have little to do with him. During a conversation in their room, John i...

  • 情重身轻 Letty Lynton


    导演:Clarence Brown   编剧:Marie Belloc Lowndes, 约翰·米汉

    主演:Joan Crawford, Robert Montgomery, Nils Asther

      亚德里安决定把Joan男子样的宽肩作为她独具的特征,并且用垫肩来加以突出。结果到处的女人们都崇尚这种样式,而垫肩成为当时风行于世的最时髦的服装式样。曾经十次荣获学会服装设计奖的伊迪斯赫德认为,在电影史上,Letty Lynton 是对服装式样影响最大的一部影片。